1 Peter 2: 2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby:"
Instead of routinely responding, or habitually practicing those evil behaviors, I need to make a concerted, conscious choice to put those things away and instead crave, thirst, earnestly desire the Word of God so that I can grow through it, in it. If I do not, malice, envy, jealousy and evil speaking will grow in me. Drink it in!
The taste of milk is delightful to a baby. They are happy and their enjoyment is great when they are drinking milk. They love how it tastes. So, if you have tasted the goodness and kindness of the Lord, and indeed you did when you accepted His free offer and gift of salvation, redemption from sin, then come back to the place where you first found yourself in the presence of the Living Stone, The bread of Life, the Light of the World, come back there to the cross and see the one which the world rejected. Get to know more of the glorious living stone chosen by God and precious to Him. Drink it in!
Come drink, taste, eat, behold, consume, eagerly, even greedily seek to know and be known by this Living Stone. Like a baby, cry out when you have not had enough, cry out when your spiritual stomach is empty, and don’t stop until you are full and satisfied with Him. Full of God’s Holy Spirit, full of His wisdom and knowledge, full of His love and compassion, full and transformed into His image. Drink it in!
Got milk?
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