2 Timothy 3: 16 -17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works...”When I think about the inspiration of God and how the Bible, the written word of God, was written under the 'inspiration of the Holy Ghost' by men of God, I'm in awe of his greatness. Sometimes I ask myself, 'How'd he do that?" I find that God is a talker, for sure....yes He is! Many times God has spoken and placed things in my spirit and I hear him say, "write it down"! In Habbakuk 2:2 he said it. In essence he said, write it down!
In June, 1996 I was sitting at my desk, so very busy, trying to make this deadline and get this grant out. As I was sitting there, God asked me a question to which I did not have an answer. Honest! So, because I didn't have the answer God already knew what he wanted for me and he began to speak to my spirit and he said, "write it down". I was busy. I didn't have time to stop but he kept saying, "write it down". So I saved the document I was typing, opened another screen and began to type what he was speaking to my spirit. It was just like someone was standing over me and dictating to me. I typed what I heard, saved it, dated it and printed it. Oh my, did God have a lot to say. It was three long pages. To this day, that typed document is in my wallet. Twelve years. To this day it is my guidebook for the thing that he wants for me. When I forget, I take it out and look at it. It that thing does not line up with what HE gave me I know that it's not for me.
God does speak to us through his written word, yet he inspires us by his Spirit to write, just as he did the holy men of God who wrote the word of God that we call THE BIBLE!
God loves you,
"God is a talker..." I love it!! I never thought of Him in that way but yes, Dorothy you are right. And as you have said He loves to talk to us. I'm glad about that too. Thanks for joining the converation. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon!