2 Timothy 3: 16 -17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works...”
Have you ever had the experience of reporting to a new job for the first day? In many companies after you are hired they send you to a new employee orientation or training. They may give you a handbook or manual to study, and maybe they assign someone during your training period to help you get started. But then there is that day when you are on your own. Did you find yourself wondering, well, am I really ready to do this? Do I know enough yet? I hope I don’t mess up or make any mistakes. I’d like to suggest that it is similar for the Christian. Once we are saved by acknowledging our sin and asking Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and save us we have a whole new job ahead of us. But our God does not leave us to figure out what to do on our own, even though many of us try. He has left us a manual and a helper, the Holy Spirit that is 100% able to keep us on the right track. That is what 2 Timothy 3:16 – 17 tells us. Let pull a few phrases of this verse apart. First..
All Scripture is given...
Every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God has the attributes that are listed here. When the Words He speaks are revealed to us, and we accept them as His Word, it is by faith that we receive them all into our hearts. We cannot, should not, pick and choose what we want to accept. We should be in a hurry to know it and do it.
The Word of God is also WHOLE, it is inerrant. There are no inconsistencies, mistakes, or misstatements. God breathed through man and is able to ensure that what He wants said, gets said. He is also able to speak directly into our hearts and minds through the Holy Spirit.
What a wonderful opportunity, a wonderful gift our God has provided for us. He cannot be totally comprehended by us but He has left us love letters, Words to read and meditate on that tell us: who He is, what He does, and what His expectations are of us. He has left us enough of Himself that we could spend our whole lifetime attempting to glean all the meaning of it and still not begun to have scratched the surface, yet be so transformed by what little we do understand if we take it in and obey it.
The fact that it is given also seems to imply an expectation. Considering that the list that follows speaks of what The Word is good for then I should look to it. It is as if God says to me “I am giving you My Word because you will need to use it to become ready for the person I would have you become and the work I would have you to do.” What are we doing with the gift of the Word of God that He has so generously given to us? Let me know what you think. Blessings upon you, Leslie
What a wonderful opportunity, a wonderful gift our God has provided for us. He cannot be totally comprehended by us but He has left us love letters, Words to read and meditate on that tell us: who He is, what He does, and what His expectations are of us. He has left us enough of Himself that we could spend our whole lifetime attempting to glean all the meaning of it and still not begun to have scratched the surface, yet be so transformed by what little we do understand if we take it in and obey it.
The fact that it is given also seems to imply an expectation. Considering that the list that follows speaks of what The Word is good for then I should look to it. It is as if God says to me “I am giving you My Word because you will need to use it to become ready for the person I would have you become and the work I would have you to do.” What are we doing with the gift of the Word of God that He has so generously given to us? Let me know what you think. Blessings upon you, Leslie
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