Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2 Meditating on the Word of God

I Peter 1: 1 SO BE DONE with every trace of wickedness (depravity, malignity)and all deceit and insincerity (pretense, hypocrisy) and grudges (envy, jealousy) and slander and evil speaking of every kind...

Cut it out!!

Make a deliberate effort to stop behaviors that seek to harm others or satisfy my sinful lusts.
If I harbor the desire to hurt someone, if I lean toward inappropriate behavior in any area of my life (criminal, sexual, business conduct, thought life: dishonesty, perversions, moral lapses, gambling, advantage taking, etc.) I need to CUT IT OUT!! Make a conscious decision to put an end to all such activity, all such behavior.

Make a deliberate effort to stop behaviors and words that help me get my way or inflate my status in the eyes of others. If I speak or behave in a way to make others think I am more than I am, and if that has the intention of manipulating or gaining something from them even if it is just their attention I need to CUT IT OUT!!

Make a deliberate effort to stop allowing the success, possessions, honors, accomplishments, or general blessings of others to give place to resentment and feelings of ill-will toward them. CUT IT OUT!!

This is a hard one, let's pray for each other!!

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