Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21 Meditating on the Word of God

Psalm 1: 1 " Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful...

To do or not to do, that is the question...

Ginny talked about choices: Who do I seek out and listen to for advice? Who do I want to be like? Who do I admire? What choices am I making when it comes to my life's decisions and directions? Psalm 1:1 says you are blessed, happy, fortunate if your answers to those questions do not include ungodly individuals. Got counsel?

Who do I hang with? Standing in the way of sinners represents a drawing near to them and paying attention to their agenda. It is dangerously flirting with temptation, perhaps not expecting to experience the consequences of wrongdoing. Like the moth flying too close to the flame, attracted by the pretty light, oblivious to the life threatening heat of the fire, eventually dying because of coming too close. Psalm 1:1 says you are blessed, happy, fortunate if the company you keep does not include sinners you desire to imitate. Got companions?

This is the closest and the worst positon of all. In the midst of ungodly, sinful, God rejecting souls. Taking bread, fellowshipping and counting yourself as one of the gang. This is not the recipe for happiness that God intends for us. I'm thinking of the prodigal son who found himself wallowing in the pig pen. Rejected and scorned by those whose counsel he stood in, whose ways he sat in and who was cast out as soon as his resources were depleted. Not blessed. Got committment?
To do or not to do, that is the always, thanks for listening. Leslie

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