Joshua 1:8c ...that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein...
Give God’s Word first place all the time and let it shape your actions.
God continues his conversation with Joshua, "As you do this it will become part of your lifestyle to do what it says. When you give it first place, when you know what it says. Then your actions will be consistent with what is written there. If you give my Word first place all the time your actions and my Word will match. What you do will be a reflection of me. And by the way the world will know me through you.”
Reading and studying the Word are good and necessary but don't stop there. God's instructions are that we DO what it says. He requires that we practice His commandments, that we obey His Words." I recall a teacher once saying that there weren't "Ten Suggestions.". How does that work for you? Would love to hear from you. God bless you and as always, thanks for listening. Leslie
Meditating on God's Word does three wonderful things for us. First, it gives us a divine perspective on life. I always imagine that God views the whole tapestry of our lives, yet we see only one strand, one single moment in time. It is comforting to know that God sees the whole plan for my life. What's more...He has the power to direct my life. Secondly, meditating on God's Word helps me to know that there is something more than what my eye can see, what my senses can perceive. If life only consisted in what I perceived with my senses, it would be most dismal, for we see such an ugly side of life. I want to know in faith that there is something more. Like the song says...Is that all there is? Indeed, God offers infinitely more that we can think or ask. Thirdly, meditating on God's Word gives a sense of direction and purpose to one's life. That's why it is important to DO as God commands. We will never realize the benefits, blessings, and purpose for our lives if we stop short of obeying God's Word. Doing what He says is what will help us realize God's plan for us. Our God is awesome! God promises His presence, His love, and His blessings, but we must make a choice to be doers, (not just readers) of HIs Word. May your participation in the Word, the life God has ordained for you be a sweet journey of discovery!