Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14 Meditating on the Word of God Part 2

Joshua 1: 8b...but (thou) shall meditate therein day and night,

Give God’s Word first place all the time

From the next phrase in Joshua 1:8 God continues His conversation about what else Joshua should do with the Book of the law...meditate on it day and night. It's as if He says "Keep my Words near you at all time. This will happen if you think on, meditate on, pray through My Words day and night. All the time. When you wake, when you work, when you rest, when you sleep, when you plan. Always be in a state of thinking deeply about what My Words say."

God isn't kidding. He knows what we face each day. He knows the competition that vys for our attention. He knows what it takes to run the race. What do you do with God's Word? Does it influence your thinking? Consider God's advice to Joshua, it still works today, give it a try. As always, thanks for listening and be blessed. Leslie

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