One of the distinct memories I will carry of the second time around with breast cancer is the number of people who prayed with and for me. Several times in my hospital room, on the phone, in the emails and cards, once even at the Dollar Store, many I knew, some I didn’t. It was a blessing that I will ever be grateful for to our God and to those of His people who know the value of speaking with the Father on behalf of another. Prayer does change things, circumstances, and people. One of the most frequently quoted Scriptures during those prayers was the final part of verse 5…and with His stripes we are healed. I stand here before you today as testimony that our God does heal, does perform miracles. I took a brief look at information about survival rates after first and second occurrences of cancer – needless to say, it is only by God’s grace and mercy that I am still here. But the thought, the challenge, the question I’d like you to consider today – is that what that verse is for? Is this about the healing of our bodies or the healing of our souls?
Consider what the verses say we need to be healed from: Verse 4 griefs and sorrows, that is: anguish, heartache, woe, misery; sadness, melancholy, depression..sickness in the heart and the soul. Does sickness in the body create this? Yes it does, but if only the body is healed without the healing of the sin sick soul then we are healed and healthy sinners still on our way to hell. Those observing Jesus thought He was taking on all that suffering because God was punishing Him for something He had done. Isaish says “not so” that was your misery He took on. Verse 5a reinforces that idea, our transgressions and iniquities caused Jesus to be bruised and afflicted. Listen to Matthew Henry’s words about these verses: “Our sins were the thorns in Christ's head, the nails in his hands and feet, the spear in his side. He was delivered to death for our offences. By his sufferings he purchased for us the Spirit and grace of God…” Jesus took the punishment, the chastisement that was required by our Father God in order for us to be at peace with Him. He who knew no sin became sin. Every one of those stripes Jesus took He took for all of our lies, all of our cursing, all of our envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. Our immorality, adultery, fornication, homosexuality. Our gossip, slander, pride, arrogance and boasting; disobedience, faithlessness, heartlessness, and ruthlessness.(Rom 1:24 – 30). By His stripes, we are healed.
Finallly verse 6, just in case we didn’t get the message and think this is referring to everyone else and not to me. Isaiah compares us to sheep..”all we like sheep”..”every one, each one to his/her own way.” There is no getting around it. There is no way to escape or avoid the fact. I, you, me, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God yet God has laid the iniquity of us all on Him. By His stripes we are healed.
Sickness and disease exist because of the presence and impact of sin on our natural world. But Jesus did not die for the purpose of saving our bodies. Jesus died to save our souls. The part of us that will live on forever in eternity. Can He physically heal us? Absolutely. Is He willing? Without question. Did He suffer, take those stripes on His back, endure crucifixion, bleed and die because of sickness and disease in our bodies? I think not. Did He rise from the dead with resurrection power so that I wouldn’t have to be sick? I repeat as I started. I am a living, walking, breathing testimony to the healing power of Jesus Christ active in this body.
But His stripes, saved my soul,
His stripes and His crucifixion delivered me from eternal Hell,
His stripes, His crucifixion, and His shed blood cleansed me from my sin
His stripes, His crucifixion, His shed blood and His resurrection have given me the victory.
I am healed today saints, but the healing in my body is not even half the story – it is the liberation, the freeing of my soul from the grip of sin that is the whole story. By His stripes I am, I am healed. I am healed.
Consider what the verses say we need to be healed from: Verse 4 griefs and sorrows, that is: anguish, heartache, woe, misery; sadness, melancholy, depression..sickness in the heart and the soul. Does sickness in the body create this? Yes it does, but if only the body is healed without the healing of the sin sick soul then we are healed and healthy sinners still on our way to hell. Those observing Jesus thought He was taking on all that suffering because God was punishing Him for something He had done. Isaish says “not so” that was your misery He took on. Verse 5a reinforces that idea, our transgressions and iniquities caused Jesus to be bruised and afflicted. Listen to Matthew Henry’s words about these verses: “Our sins were the thorns in Christ's head, the nails in his hands and feet, the spear in his side. He was delivered to death for our offences. By his sufferings he purchased for us the Spirit and grace of God…” Jesus took the punishment, the chastisement that was required by our Father God in order for us to be at peace with Him. He who knew no sin became sin. Every one of those stripes Jesus took He took for all of our lies, all of our cursing, all of our envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. Our immorality, adultery, fornication, homosexuality. Our gossip, slander, pride, arrogance and boasting; disobedience, faithlessness, heartlessness, and ruthlessness.(Rom 1:24 – 30). By His stripes, we are healed.
Finallly verse 6, just in case we didn’t get the message and think this is referring to everyone else and not to me. Isaiah compares us to sheep..”all we like sheep”..”every one, each one to his/her own way.” There is no getting around it. There is no way to escape or avoid the fact. I, you, me, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God yet God has laid the iniquity of us all on Him. By His stripes we are healed.
Sickness and disease exist because of the presence and impact of sin on our natural world. But Jesus did not die for the purpose of saving our bodies. Jesus died to save our souls. The part of us that will live on forever in eternity. Can He physically heal us? Absolutely. Is He willing? Without question. Did He suffer, take those stripes on His back, endure crucifixion, bleed and die because of sickness and disease in our bodies? I think not. Did He rise from the dead with resurrection power so that I wouldn’t have to be sick? I repeat as I started. I am a living, walking, breathing testimony to the healing power of Jesus Christ active in this body.
But His stripes, saved my soul,
His stripes and His crucifixion delivered me from eternal Hell,
His stripes, His crucifixion, and His shed blood cleansed me from my sin
His stripes, His crucifixion, His shed blood and His resurrection have given me the victory.
I am healed today saints, but the healing in my body is not even half the story – it is the liberation, the freeing of my soul from the grip of sin that is the whole story. By His stripes I am, I am healed. I am healed.