Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Diving in again! Stay tuned!!

Watch this space. Devotional materials from my heart to yours, designed to glorify God and bless us as we sit at His feet together.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Psalm 1: 1 - 2 Are you blessed?

Psalm 1: 1 – 2 Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

When we were looking at Joshua1:8 we said “Give God’s Word first place, all the time.” Somehow it seems to me that applies to this week’s verse as well. Psalm 1: 1 – 2 is again about the place that we give God’s Word in our lives. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record but here let me repeat a few words from last week. “It’s as if God says to Joshua,” take this Book, take My Words and give them such a place in your life that they (My Words) are on the tip of your tongue at all times. Let it guide your thinking, frame your words, your decisions, your leadership style, your behaviors and actions, your attitudes, your motivations, your hopes, your dreams and visions, and your desires. Let everything you say and do be colored by the lenses of My Words.” God continues “This will happen if you think on, meditate on, pray through My Words day and night. All the time. When you wake, when you work, when you rest, when you sleep, when you plan.  Always be in a state of thinking deeply about what My Words say.” That’s what verse 2 tells us.

The additional thoughts from verse 1 paint a picture for us of what not to do. Who do I seek out and listen to for advice? Who do I want to be like? Who do I admire? What choices am I making when it comes to my life's decisions and directions? Psalm 1:1 says you are blessed, happy, fortunate if your answers to those questions do not include ungodly individuals.

Are you blessed? Share your thoughts. I would be glad to hear from you. As always...thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Meditating on the Word of God Joshua 1:8

Joshua 1:8d "...for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success."
And the winner is...

Give God’s Word first place all the time and let it shape your actions. God’s Word will give you prosperity and God’s Word will give you success.

From God to Joshua: "When your actions are consistent with what My Words say then I promise two things will happen for you: First, you will prosper, that is you will make progress, and have a way of life that is wise and prudent. Second, you will have good success, your actions shaped by my Word will create a life and lifestyle that has integrity, character, wisdom, prudence and is progressive and productive. I will be glorified. That is success."

God has given you His Word. What place does God’s Word have in your life? Begin today. Take heed, pay attention to the Word. Take it with you, reread it, and meditate on it.
· Give God’s Word first place in your life, all the time.
· Give God’s Word first place all the time and let it shape your actions
· Give God’s Word first place all the time and let it shape your actions, God will give you His prosperity and success.

Does that challenge you like it does me? Would love to hear from you. God bless you and as always, thanks for listening. Leslie

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Section 1 The Bible in Your Heart

Scriptures for Section 1: The Bible in Your Heart
Joshua 1:8
Psalm 1: 1 - 2
Psalm 19: 7 - 9
1 Peter 2: 1 - 2
2 Timothy 3: 16 - 17
Hebrews 4: 12

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Invitation - Back again!!

For the second time around I will be using John MacArthur's book -The Heart of the Bible - Explore the Power of Key Bible Passages. My copy of the book was given to me by Virginia Winters, a co-worker of mine. We studied this book together for a time and it was a powerful and delightful study. It encourages you to study and memorize one Bible verse weekly surrounding 10 themes.
This time I am extending an invitation to anyone who would like to join this journey. It will take about a year. You are welcome to join in at any time and participate as much or as little as you like. I will be posting one verse each week from MacArthur's list with a brief comment or prayer of my own. Guest posters are welcome and comments are encouraged.

If you like you can receive an email each time a new post or comments are added. Otherwise just check in when you think about it. Pray for me and everyone who will choose to participate in any way. As always, thanks for listening. Leslie

Monday, May 3, 2010


I was reading the book of Proverbs 31. Most women who know anything about the bible are familiar with this very famous passage. This Mother was giving godly counsel and instruction to her son regarding women, drinking, speaking up for the less fortunate.
Then she goes on to give him a vivid description of a noble wife. When we read, it seems that the description is talking about the things that a wife does, but you can always apply it to any woman whether she be single or married.
In the days that we live in there are many women who are mothers without the support of a husband or male companion available to help with the upbringing of the children. Women have always been the ones to provide by any means necessary. They've had to do for themselves, by themselves so often. However, in this present time we are faced with so many young mothers who feel that there is no need for sacrifice of their own desires and wants once they become mothers. I can't remember my mom ever doing fun stuff for herself (except for church of course); or ever saying "I'm going out! What about my needs?" I remember waking up hearing my mom praying in the living room with tears streaming down her face, calling out the names of her 9 children and 1 grandson and asking the Lord to protect them, to raise them for her and to keep them safe. What an example of a virtuous woman. I use my married mom as an example, I know that most of the time she felt single and alone. My dad drank a lot and outside of work, most of the time, he was never home. She had to be the doctor, the lawyer, the protector, the teacher, the counselor, kiss bumps and bruises and tell them they'd be all better. Strangely enough, we believed that kiss would heal us instantly and somehow it seemed to feel better almost immediately after she kissed it.
Single moms have an obligation and responsibility to those who they decided to bring in the world, whether accidentally or planned. God has entrusted us with a human life to mold and to shape into a healthy, emotionally sound and functioning adult. What will your children say about you when they become adults and look back at their childhood. Will it be with words of love and gratitude or a frown and words of disdain? Something to think about.
Evangelist Dorothy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Current Theme: What Happened on the Cross? August 24 - September 27

What Happened on the Cross?
1. August 24—30 Smitten by God Isaiah 53: 4—6
2. August 31—September 6 Dying for the Ungodly Romans 5: 6—8
3. September 7—13 Becoming Sin for Us 2 Corinthians 5: 21
4. September 14—20 Taking Away the Charges Against Us Colossians 2: 13—14
5. September 21—27 Redeeming Us with His Blood 1 Peter 1: 18—19