What Happened on the Cross?
1. August 24—30 Smitten by God Isaiah 53: 4—6
2. August 31—September 6 Dying for the Ungodly Romans 5: 6—8
3. September 7—13 Becoming Sin for Us 2 Corinthians 5: 21
4. September 14—20 Taking Away the Charges Against Us Colossians 2: 13—14
5. September 21—27 Redeeming Us with His Blood 1 Peter 1: 18—19
1. August 24—30 Smitten by God Isaiah 53: 4—6
2. August 31—September 6 Dying for the Ungodly Romans 5: 6—8
3. September 7—13 Becoming Sin for Us 2 Corinthians 5: 21
4. September 14—20 Taking Away the Charges Against Us Colossians 2: 13—14
5. September 21—27 Redeeming Us with His Blood 1 Peter 1: 18—19